Showing results 1 to 10 out of 25
Recycling Ideas Community Project Volunteer Event--Share Skills & Knowledge
16 Jul - 06:00 PM
Mesa, United States
All are welcome at this FREE Ideathon & Community Volunteer Event! The first 2 hours are Brainstorming good ideas that may help the chosen topic.
The second 2 hours is the Community Project Volunteer Event when we form teams to work on projects that help our community. Please share your ideas, talents, knowledge & expertise to make the world a better place. Have fun. Meet new people, be creative & learn lots! :-) All are welcome! No Experience Necessary!
Our FREE community events offer support to individuals & organizations with good ideas that help our community. We serve as an early stage Idea Incubator and a Community Project Accelerator. You are invited to Help!
4:00 to 6:00 Big Idea Brainstorming Session & Opportunity to Present or "Pitch" Good Ideas or Community Projects that you need help to get started on or need resources to get to the next level of positive impact. Share new Ideas or propose a Community Project.
6:00 to 8:00 Pick a Community Project that interests you or help as many projects on this topic as you are passionate about helping. Be a "Butterfly" visiting lots of projects and helping where you can. Or, be a "Bee" and find your "hive" and hang out with that one team working on their project. :-)
The Goal is to help good ideas get launched and become a reality. Let's help Community Projects get the information, resources & support they need so that we can Make the World a Better Place! Let's build a "Helping Community" of individuals that work towards the common good for our shared community. Together we Make a Difference! :-)
***Are you an Individual, a Nonprofit Organization or a School that needs help with a Big Idea or a Community Project?
***Do You Have an Idea or a Community Project that Helps with Recycling, Limiting Single Use Plastic or Diverting Food Waste or other Solid Waste from the landfill? Each Community Projector Accelerator event highlights a specific cause to help, issue to solve or need to fill.
***Would you like to Help Nonprofits, Schools & Community Projects working on this topic?
Come and meet like-minded people who are passionate about the causes you care about. Have fun! Help people! Solve Problems! Use your creativity! Make new friends and connect with other volunteers from differing backgrounds & belief systems. Learn new skills! Share your time and your talents! Make a Positive Difference in Your Community! Make the World a Better Place! No previous experience necessary. Welcome! You are Invited!
Can't Make it on the Day of the Event? Please scroll down to the bottom of this page to see all of the opportunites to Get Involved, Find Your Purpose, Help a Cause You are Passionate about and have a Positive Impact in Your Community! You may choose to Volunteer in person or become an Online Virtual Volunteer or a Social Media Lover for a Cause volunteer. Helpful Links are Provided at the bottom of this page.
You may also Help Online on the day of the event & you can even continue to help long after our event.
We also offer an Online Virtual---Community Project Accelerator & early stage new Idea Incubator! This is a chance to share your ideas, information, resources or skills to help move a community project forward. Think of it as helping to bring a good idea to life as a Virtual Volunteer.
Share Helpful Information & Resources in the Comment Section of our Community Project Accelerator Facebook Page. Simply scroll through all of the Big Ideas & Community Projects posted there and Share, Like, Comment and Offer Help to the Ideas & Community Projects posted by others in our community. Join in on the fun & challenge!
If you like to help people, learn new things, use your creativity, generate ideas, solve problems, have fun & meet positive people who want to make a positive difference in their community, then this event is for you! No previous experience is needed.
***Have a Good Idea or a Community Project that Helps Your Community? Present or "Pitch" Your Idea.
***Would You Like to Share Your Skills, Knowledge & Expertise? Enjoy Hearing Good Ideas & Help by Joining in on the Audience Brainstorming Session.
***Would you Enjoy Participating in a Brainstorming Session to Generate Creative Solutions that Help Our Community?
After each project or idea is pitched there will be time for audience members to help move the idea forward by sharing helpful ideas, information, connections, introductions & resources. Each Idea or Community Project presenter brings several specific projects they need help on that day. You can use your skills to help move their project forward.
Feel free to spend the rest of your time at today's event helping one or several of the projects. You may even decide to continue to help after this volunteer event & join their idea or Community Project as a Mentor, Volunteer or Team Member! Join the fun & excitement! Learn lots. Connect with others in your community. Make new friends. Find Your Passion! Find Your Purpose! Help Your Community & Make a Positive Difference in the World! :-)
Who Should Attend:
***Volunteers of all ages, backgrounds and skill levels. We will help you find a good place to invest your time & talents.
***Anyone with special talents, skills or expertise to share to help make the world a better place.
***Individuals or Organizations with an Idea that Solves a Social or Environmental problem.
***Nonprofit, Social Entrepreneurs & Startup organizations that would like to work together with other nonprofits, social entrepreneurs and members of the community to learn what resources are available to help them with their mission.
***Businesses, Schools, Universities, Government Agencies, Fraternal Organizations, Clubs & Members of the Startup Community and Faith Communities that would like to partner with or support nonprofits or new startup ventures.
***Specific skills that will be especially helpful: At Community Project Accelerator Events, we will be working on Community Projects that help Animals, Seniors, Veterans, Families, Education, Health, the Environment & Sustainability. We are brainstorming & giving feedback on a variety of projects.
We need Creative people who understand Business, Project Management, Social Service Delivery, Digital Culture, Social Media Marketing, Video, Documentary Film, Creative Arts Projects, Public Art, Music, Theater, Graphic Design, Games for Good, Coding, Database Management, Supply Chain Management, Health Tech, Edu Tech, AI, ML, VR, AR, Big Data, Drone Use for Good, Writers, Marketers, Public Relations, Fundraisers, Green Tech & Sustainability issue experts, etc. We need all skills. We need you! :-) Let's get together and see what happens! Together we can make a difference! :-) Please come and share your skills for a few hours or for the entire day!
Have a Positive Impact on your Community! Make a Difference in the World! Help Launch Community Projects & Social Entrepreneur Startup Ideas that Solve Social or Environmental Problems. Please Share Your Time & Your Talents to Help Your Community. You Can Help Bring Good Ideas to Life. You Can Help Make the World a Better Place 1 Community Project at a Time. Join our early stage new Idea Incubator & Community Project Accelerator volunteer event.
Come join us to find out about Community Projects that need your help. Whether you want to help animals, children, seniors, veterans or the environment, local small nonprofit organizations and schools in your community need you!
This is a Community Project Accelerator & early stage new Idea Incubator Event! Think of it as helping to bring a good idea to life. This is a chance to share your ideas, information, resources or skills to help move a community project forward. Each individual or organization with a good idea to pitch can then meet with people interested in volunteering to help with their early stage Idea or Community Project for the rest of the day, if they wish.
There will be several tables, or "stations", available for each of the projects that need help. You can "visit" and help as many Community Projects or new Ideas as you wish. Or, find a project that interests you and help out for a few minutes, a few hours or the entire day! Come learn new skills, share ideas, connect with new people & make a positive impact on your community by helping a Community Project.
We are an online/in person Community Project Accelerator that Offers Ideathons, Hackathons, Make-a-Thons, Brainstorming Sessions & Social Entrepreneur Startup Events that Create Opportunities for Like-Minded Individuals & Organizations to Support Community Projects that Make the World a Better Place.
We Help Individuals & Organizations to Find the Information & Resources They Need to Solve Social & Environmental Problems. Thank you for your help in getting the word out through your social media channels! :-)
Morning & Afternoon Idea Incubator & Community Project Accelerator events are available. At full day events, there are morning & afternoon Presentations and Pitches, Idea Incubation & a "Hackathon of Help" where you assist with projects.
***You can choose to be a "Butterfly" moving from project to project sharing your time & talents with many projects that need your help.
***You can choose to be a "Bee" and stay with your project "Hive" to work with others and concentrate on completing that specific project.
Community Project Accelerator Event
First 2 Hours of Our Community Project Accelerator & Ideathon Event
Option #1 is Track A:
Individuals, Nonprofits, Schools, Social Entrepreneurs & Startups with a good Idea or a Community Project will pitch their idea and receive brainstorming help and advice from the audience. Please check the schedule closer to the day to know which idea is being presented at which time. Please scroll down to see the tentative schedule when it is posted. Each idea gets 10 minutes. That is 5 minutes to pitch the idea and the rest of the time to receive crowdsourced ideas from people willing to help. Please share your time and your talents by attending this event and giving information & creative ideas that help support these Ideas & Community Projects. You can just show up at the event and present your idea. If you prefer to reserve a time to present or "pitch" your idea, you can sign up to reserve a time slot by sending the answers to the Idea or Community Project Submission Form below. (Please Scroll Down to see the Pitch Format)
Option #2 is Track B:
Volunteer Fair & Community Project Display--You can Meet & Greet local organizations & individuals that need your volunteer help. The nonprofit organizations will have brochures, volunteer opportunities and specific projects that they need help with both today and in the future. Shop around and see what Community Projects interest you. Stay with one project and work on it during the entire event or go from project to project giving ideas, offering solutions and helping where you can. During the entire Community Project Accelerator event all Small, Volunteer Run Nonprofits can display their brochures and meet potential volunteers who may want longer term volunteer opportunities.
For Nonprofits & Schools: Schools & small, volunteer run Nonprofits can just show up on the day of the event to participate in the volunteer fair but it is best if you contact us before so that we know you are coming. We will list you on our marketing spots to let people know that you are coming. Another benefit for nonprofits is that you may leave your brochures with us and volunteers will bring them to other volunteer fairs to assist you in finding volunteers. If you would like to let us know you are coming, please use the "Contact the Organizer" option on this event page. :-)
Option #3 is Track C: Begin working with Community Projects that have been presented. Each organization & individual who brings an idea will also have a specific project that they need help with. Please visit the various tables and share your time & your talents to help move their project forward. You are welcome to visit and help lots of Community Projects or stay with the one that interests you most and assist them in completing their project.
Second 2 Hours of
Our Community Project Accelerator & Ideathon Event
Option #1 is Track A: Continue working with Community Projects that have been presented. Offer creative ideas and useful information that will help the idea to become a reality. Each organization & individual who brings an idea will also have a specific project that they would like to complete today. Please visit the various tables and share your time & your talents. You are welcome to visit and help lots of Community Projects or stay with the one that interests you most and assist them in completing their project.
Option #2 is Track B: Brainstorming session with people interested in promoting the welfare of specific groups such as Veterans, Seniors, Animals, Women, Children/Teens, the Environment, etc. Discuss the major issues that face the group of individuals you are most passionate about helping. Create a list of "Big Ideas" & Community Projects to pursue that would be helpful. What would make their lives easier & better. Where are the Community Resources that help? What organizations & information sources are most helpful? Who should be working together? Where are the gaps in service? Meet with like-minded others who share your passion for helping this group! :-) Brainstorm innovative ways of getting important messages out that affect these populations. Use your combined creativity to increase awareness of your cause.
Last 1/2 Hour of Our Community Project Accelerator & Ideathon Event
Final Presentations & Pitches: a Share your successes! Let everyone know what has been accomplished today. Show people what you created. Present what the next steps are for your project and what specific help you need to move forward.
Come and meet like-minded people who are passionate about the causes you care about. Have fun! Help people! Solve Problems! Use your creativity! Make new friends and connect with other volunteers from differing backgrounds & belief systems.Learn new skills! Share your time and your talents! Make a Positive Difference in Your Community! Make the World a Better Place!
WHAT TO BRING: Bring any type of Community Project that Makes the World a Better Place. Also bring: Snacks, Drinks in closed containers, paper, pens, colored pencils, markers, white boards, flip charts, scrap paper, laptop computers, extra card tables and anything else that will help you be creative. Nonprofits should bring information & brochures. Please tell your friends! We need all skills, all ideas and all interest in different worthy causes. Please put on your Superhero cape and bring your own unique Superhero skills to help create positive change in your community.
Idea or Community Project Submission Form---If you wish to reserve your time to Present or "Pitch" Your Idea.
REMEMBER: You Can Just Show Up on the Day of the Event with an Idea or Project to share with others. The Presentation or "Pitch" Format is Below for those who would like to prepare for their presentation. You may also send in either just a few words about your Idea or the completed Idea or Community Project Submission Form ahead of time in order to reserve a time for the audience to hear your "Pitch".
Please send your Idea to us via the "Contact Organizer" option on this page. If you wish you may also fill out the questions below to give us more information about your Idea or Community Project:
***Your Name or the Name of the Organiation with the Idea or Community Project:
***Name of your Idea or Community Project:
***What problem are you solving? What pain are you alleviating? What issue are you generating a solution for?
***What is your solution? How will you solve the problem or alleviate the pain? What is your Idea or Community Project that you are proposing?
***What type of help do you need from the audience? How can the Community Volunteers that are here today at the event help you? What, specifically, do you need to move your Idea or Community Project forward? Do you need social media help (Likes & Shares)? Are you seeking information, connections, introductions, feedback (beta testing of your idea, product or service), advice, donated items, specialized skills, professional assistance, business, marketing, graphic design, website development or any other type of help?
***What are some specific projects that you would like to complete during the hours today at this Community Volunteer event? EX: Create a Business Plan, Map out a Social Media Campaign, Design a Logo, Develop a Website, Create a Prototype, Write a Survey, Have People Fill Out a Survey, etc. Pick 1-3 small projects that could be accomplished in the hours today that would help your project move forward. What are the project "Deliverables" or finished products that you would like to complete and leave with today? :-)
IMPORTANT: We are ONLY allowing project presentations & "pitches" that benefit the community in some way. This is NOT a sales event and sales of services & products is not allowed. We only allow presentations of projects that solve a social or environmental problem or make the world a better place. We will help you to promote and get help for your Idea or Community Project through our social media channels and email contacts unless you specifically request that we keep your idea private until the day of the early stage new Idea Incubator & Community Project Accelerator event.
If you like to help people, learn new things, use your creativity, generate ideas, solve problems, have fun & meet positive people who want to make a positive difference in their community, then our Community Accelerator events are for you! No previous experience is needed.
Online Virtual Volunteers are needed! You can continue to be part of the "Helping Community" that we are creating.
Can't Make it the Day of the Event? Please scroll down to see the opportunites to help your community as an Online Virtual Volunteer.You Can Share Helpful Information & Resources in the Comment Section of our Community Project Accelerator Facebook Page. Simply scroll through all of the Community Projects and Share, Like, Comment and Offer Help to the Ideas & Community Projects posted by others in our community.
You will Find Big Ideas, CP CR Big Ideas, Community Projects, Crowdsourcing Projects that need your help on the Web Platform.
You may also Join the Community Skill Bank to share your Skills, Knowlege & Talents. Or,
Volunteer to Help Nonprofits, Schools or Community Projects.
Become a Social Media Lover for a Cause Helping Your Community and Promoting the Causes You are Passionate about Supporting.
Or, if you are under 18 years old: Join the Teen Corps or Youth Volunteers or Join the Youth Social Media Lovers for a Cause project.
Find out how your Business, School, College, University, Nonprofit Organization, Fraternal Organization, Club, Government Agency, Social Service Agency, Indian Tribe, Faith Community, Charitable Foundation can Help Local Nonprofit Organizations. Share your own ideas about how Individual Community Members , Students, Teachers, Professors, Scientific Researchers, Corporate Donors, Philanthropists, Individual Donors, The Startup Community, Social Entrepreneurs, Startup Ventures, or your own organization can work with nonprofits.
Help local Nonprofits do their Good Work in the Community and Make the World a Better Place. This is an Online Brainstorming Project. Join in on the fun! Find Your Passion! Find Your Purpose!
If you would like to make the world a better place, come join us in person at one of our Community Project Accelerator events! We are an early stage Idea Incubator. We serve our community by offering Community Project Accelerator events, Ideathons, Social Entrepreneur Startup events, "Hackathons of Help", Make-a-thons, Crowdsourcing Projects & Community Brainstorming Sessions. :-) On the day of the event, you may participate from home by following each Community Project and contributing helpful ideas & information via our Facebook page at Community Project Accelerator Community-Project-Accelerator-CPX-1855799894733893
Recycling & Limiting Single Use Plastic--Good Ideas? Brainstorming Session!
16 Jul - 04:00 PM
Mesa, United States
All are welcome at this FREE Ideathon & Community Volunteer Event! The first 2 hours are Brainstorming good ideas that may help the chosen topic. You are welcome to stay for the second 2 hours when we form teams to work on projects that help our community. Please share your ideas, talents, knowledge & expertise to make the world a better place. Have fun. Meet new people, be creative & learn lots! :-) All are welcome! No Experience Necessary!
Our FREE community events offer support to individuals & organizations with good ideas that help our community. We serve as an early stage Idea Incubator and a Community Project Accelerator. You are invited to Help!
4:00 to 6:00 Big Idea Brainstorming Session & Opportunity to Present or "Pitch" Good Ideas or Community Projects that you need help to get started on or need resources to get to the next level of positive impact. Share new Ideas or propose a Community Project.
6:00 to 8:00 Pick a Community Project that interests you or help as many projects on this topic as you are passionate about helping. Be a "Butterfly" visiting lots of projects and helping where you can. Or, be a "Bee" and find your "hive" and hang out with that one team working on their project. :-)
The Goal is to help good ideas get launched and become a reality. Let's help Community Projects get the information, resources & support they need so that we can Make the World a Better Place! Let's build a "Helping Community" of individuals that work towards the common good for our shared community. Together we Make a Difference! :-)
***Are you an Individual, a Nonprofit Organization or a School that needs help with a Big Idea or a Community Project?
***Do You Have an Idea or a Community Project that Helps with Recycling, Limiting Single Use Plastic or Diverting Food Waste & other Solid Waste from the Landfill? Each Community Projector Accelerator event highlights a specific cause to help, issue to solve or need to fill.
***Would you like to Help Nonprofits, Schools & Community Projects working on this topic?
Come and meet like-minded people who are passionate about the causes you care about. Have fun! Help people! Solve Problems! Use your creativity! Make new friends and connect with other volunteers from differing backgrounds & belief systems. Learn new skills! Share your time and your talents! Make a Positive Difference in Your Community! Make the World a Better Place! No previous experience necessary. Welcome! You are Invited!
Can't Make it on the Day of the Event? Please scroll down to the bottom of this page to see all of the opportunites to Get Involved, Find Your Purpose, Help a Cause You are Passionate about and have a Positive Impact in Your Community! You may choose to Volunteer in person or become an Online Virtual Volunteer or a Social Media Lover for a Cause volunteer. Helpful Links are Provided at the bottom of this page.
You may also Help Online on the day of the event & you can even continue to help long after our event.
We also offer an Online Virtual---Community Project Accelerator & early stage new Idea Incubator! This is a chance to share your ideas, information, resources or skills to help move a community project forward. Think of it as helping to bring a good idea to life as a Virtual Volunteer.
Share Helpful Information & Resources in the Comment Section of our Community Project Accelerator Facebook Page. Simply scroll through all of the Big Ideas & Community Projects posted there and Share, Like, Comment and Offer Help to the Ideas & Community Projects posted by others in our community. Join in on the fun & challenge!
If you like to help people, learn new things, use your creativity, generate ideas, solve problems, have fun & meet positive people who want to make a positive difference in their community, then this event is for you! No previous experience is needed.
***Have a Good Idea or a Community Project that Helps Your Community? Present or "Pitch" Your Idea.
***Would You Like to Share Your Skills, Knowledge & Expertise? Enjoy Hearing Good Ideas & Help by Joining in on the Audience Brainstorming Session.
***Would you Enjoy Participating in a Brainstorming Session to Generate Creative Solutions that Help Our Community?
After each project or idea is pitched there will be time for audience members to help move the idea forward by sharing helpful ideas, information, connections, introductions & resources. Each Idea or Community Project presenter brings several specific projects they need help on that day. You can use your skills to help move their project forward.
Feel free to spend the rest of your time at today's event helping one or several of the projects. You may even decide to continue to help after this volunteer event & join their idea or Community Project as a Mentor, Volunteer or Team Member! Join the fun & excitement! Learn lots. Connect with others in your community. Make new friends. Find Your Passion! Find Your Purpose! Help Your Community & Make a Positive Difference in the World! :-)
Who Should Attend:
***Volunteers of all ages, backgrounds and skill levels. We will help you find a good place to invest your time & talents.
***Anyone with special talents, skills or expertise to share to help make the world a better place.
***Individuals or Organizations with an Idea that Solves a Social or Environmental problem.
***Nonprofit, Social Entrepreneurs & Startup organizations that would like to work together with other nonprofits, social entrepreneurs and members of the community to learn what resources are available to help them with their mission.
***Businesses, Schools, Universities, Government Agencies, Fraternal Organizations, Clubs & Members of the Startup Community and Faith Communities that would like to partner with or support nonprofits or new startup ventures.
***Specific skills that will be especially helpful: At Community Project Accelerator Events, we will be working on Community Projects that help Animals, Seniors, Veterans, Families, Education, Health, the Environment & Sustainability. We are brainstorming & giving feedback on a variety of projects.
We need Creative people who understand Business, Project Management, Social Service Delivery, Digital Culture, Social Media Marketing, Video, Documentary Film, Creative Arts Projects, Public Art, Music, Theater, Graphic Design, Games for Good, Coding, Database Management, Supply Chain Management, Health Tech, Edu Tech, AI, ML, VR, AR, Big Data, Drone Use for Good, Writers, Marketers, Public Relations, Fundraisers, Green Tech & Sustainability issue experts, etc. We need all skills. We need you! :-) Let's get together and see what happens! Together we can make a difference! :-) Please come and share your skills for a few hours or for the entire day!
Have a Positive Impact on your Community! Make a Difference in the World! Help Launch Community Projects & Social Entrepreneur Startup Ideas that Solve Social or Environmental Problems. Please Share Your Time & Your Talents to Help Your Community. You Can Help Bring Good Ideas to Life. You Can Help Make the World a Better Place 1 Community Project at a Time. Join our early stage new Idea Incubator & Community Project Accelerator volunteer event.
Come join us to find out about Community Projects that need your help. Whether you want to help animals, children, seniors, veterans or the environment, local small nonprofit organizations and schools in your community need you!
This is a Community Project Accelerator & early stage new Idea Incubator Event! Think of it as helping to bring a good idea to life. This is a chance to share your ideas, information, resources or skills to help move a community project forward. Each individual or organization with a good idea to pitch can then meet with people interested in volunteering to help with their early stage Idea or Community Project for the rest of the day, if they wish.
There will be several tables, or "stations", available for each of the projects that need help. You can "visit" and help as many Community Projects or new Ideas as you wish. Or, find a project that interests you and help out for a few minutes, a few hours or the entire day! Come learn new skills, share ideas, connect with new people & make a positive impact on your community by helping a Community Project.
We are an online/in person Community Project Accelerator that Offers Ideathons, Hackathons, Make-a-Thons, Brainstorming Sessions & Social Entrepreneur Startup Events that Create Opportunities for Like-Minded Individuals & Organizations to Support Community Projects that Make the World a Better Place.
We Help Individuals & Organizations to Find the Information & Resources They Need to Solve Social & Environmental Problems. Thank you for your help in getting the word out through your social media channels! :-)
Morning & Afternoon Idea Incubator & Community Project Accelerator events are available. At full day events, there are morning & afternoon Presentations and Pitches, Idea Incubation & a "Hackathon of Help" where you assist with projects.
***You can choose to be a "Butterfly" moving from project to project sharing your time & talents with many projects that need your help.
***You can choose to be a "Bee" and stay with your project "Hive" to work with others and concentrate on completing that specific project.
Community Project Accelerator Event
First 2 Hours of Our Community Project Accelerator & Ideathon Event
Option #1 is Track A:
Individuals, Nonprofits, Schools, Social Entrepreneurs & Startups with a good Idea or a Community Project will pitch their idea and receive brainstorming help and advice from the audience. Please check the schedule closer to the day to know which idea is being presented at which time. Please scroll down to see the tentative schedule when it is posted. Each idea gets 10 minutes. That is 5 minutes to pitch the idea and the rest of the time to receive crowdsourced ideas from people willing to help. Please share your time and your talents by attending this event and giving information & creative ideas that help support these Ideas & Community Projects. You can just show up at the event and present your idea. If you prefer to reserve a time to present or "pitch" your idea, you can sign up to reserve a time slot by sending the answers to the Idea or Community Project Submission Form below. (Please Scroll Down to see the Pitch Format)
Option #2 is Track B:
Volunteer Fair & Community Project Display--You can Meet & Greet local organizations & individuals that need your volunteer help. The nonprofit organizations will have brochures, volunteer opportunities and specific projects that they need help with both today and in the future. Shop around and see what Community Projects interest you. Stay with one project and work on it during the entire event or go from project to project giving ideas, offering solutions and helping where you can. During the entire Community Project Accelerator event all Small, Volunteer Run Nonprofits can display their brochures and meet potential volunteers who may want longer term volunteer opportunities.
For Nonprofits & Schools: Schools & small, volunteer run Nonprofits can just show up on the day of the event to participate in the volunteer fair but it is best if you contact us before so that we know you are coming. We will list you on our marketing spots to let people know that you are coming. Another benefit for nonprofits is that you may leave your brochures with us and volunteers will bring them to other volunteer fairs to assist you in finding volunteers. If you would like to let us know you are coming, please use the "Contact the Organizer" option on this event page. :-)
Option #3 is Track C: Begin working with Community Projects that have been presented. Each organization & individual who brings an idea will also have a specific project that they need help with. Please visit the various tables and share your time & your talents to help move their project forward. You are welcome to visit and help lots of Community Projects or stay with the one that interests you most and assist them in completing their project.
Second 2 Hours of
Our Community Project Accelerator & Ideathon Event
Option #1 is Track A: Continue working with Community Projects that have been presented. Offer creative ideas and useful information that will help the idea to become a reality. Each organization & individual who brings an idea will also have a specific project that they would like to complete today. Please visit the various tables and share your time & your talents. You are welcome to visit and help lots of Community Projects or stay with the one that interests you most and assist them in completing their project.
Option #2 is Track B: Brainstorming session with people interested in promoting the welfare of specific groups such as Veterans, Seniors, Animals, Women, Children/Teens, the Environment, etc. Discuss the major issues that face the group of individuals you are most passionate about helping. Create a list of "Big Ideas" & Community Projects to pursue that would be helpful. What would make their lives easier & better. Where are the Community Resources that help? What organizations & information sources are most helpful? Who should be working together? Where are the gaps in service? Meet with like-minded others who share your passion for helping this group! :-) Brainstorm innovative ways of getting important messages out that affect these populations. Use your combined creativity to increase awareness of your cause.
Last 1/2 Hour of Our Community Project Accelerator & Ideathon Event
Final Presentations & Pitches: a Share your successes! Let everyone know what has been accomplished today. Show people what you created. Present what the next steps are for your project and what specific help you need to move forward.
Come and meet like-minded people who are passionate about the causes you care about. Have fun! Help people! Solve Problems! Use your creativity! Make new friends and connect with other volunteers from differing backgrounds & belief systems.Learn new skills! Share your time and your talents! Make a Positive Difference in Your Community! Make the World a Better Place!
WHAT TO BRING: Bring any type of Community Project that Makes the World a Better Place. Also bring: Snacks, Drinks in closed containers, paper, pens, colored pencils, markers, white boards, flip charts, scrap paper, laptop computers, extra card tables and anything else that will help you be creative. Nonprofits should bring information & brochures. Please tell your friends! We need all skills, all ideas and all interest in different worthy causes. Please put on your Superhero cape and bring your own unique Superhero skills to help create positive change in your community.
Idea or Community Project Submission Form---If you wish to reserve your time to Present or "Pitch" Your Idea.
REMEMBER: You Can Just Show Up on the Day of the Event with an Idea or Project to share with others. The Presentation or "Pitch" Format is Below for those who would like to prepare for their presentation. You may also send in either just a few words about your Idea or the completed Idea or Community Project Submission Form ahead of time in order to reserve a time for the audience to hear your "Pitch".
Please send your Idea to us via the "Contact Organizer" option on this page. If you wish you may also fill out the questions below to give us more information about your Idea or Community Project:
***Your Name or the Name of the Organiation with the Idea or Community Project:
***Name of your Idea or Community Project:
***What problem are you solving? What pain are you alleviating? What issue are you generating a solution for?
***What is your solution? How will you solve the problem or alleviate the pain? What is your Idea or Community Project that you are proposing?
***What type of help do you need from the audience? How can the Community Volunteers that are here today at the event help you? What, specifically, do you need to move your Idea or Community Project forward? Do you need social media help (Likes & Shares)? Are you seeking information, connections, introductions, feedback (beta testing of your idea, product or service), advice, donated items, specialized skills, professional assistance, business, marketing, graphic design, website development or any other type of help?
***What are some specific projects that you would like to complete during the hours today at this Community Volunteer event? EX: Create a Business Plan, Map out a Social Media Campaign, Design a Logo, Develop a Website, Create a Prototype, Write a Survey, Have People Fill Out a Survey, etc. Pick 1-3 small projects that could be accomplished in the hours today that would help your project move forward. What are the project "Deliverables" or finished products that you would like to complete and leave with today? :-)
IMPORTANT: We are ONLY allowing project presentations & "pitches" that benefit the community in some way. This is NOT a sales event and sales of services & products is not allowed. We only allow presentations of projects that solve a social or environmental problem or make the world a better place. We will help you to promote and get help for your Idea or Community Project through our social media channels and email contacts unless you specifically request that we keep your idea private until the day of the early stage new Idea Incubator & Community Project Accelerator event.
If you like to help people, learn new things, use your creativity, generate ideas, solve problems, have fun & meet positive people who want to make a positive difference in their community, then our Community Accelerator events are for you! No previous experience is needed.
Online Virtual Volunteers are needed! You can continue to be part of the "Helping Community" that we are creating.
Can't Make it the Day of the Event? Please scroll down to see the opportunites to help your community as an Online Virtual Volunteer.You Can Share Helpful Information & Resources in the Comment Section of our Community Project Accelerator Facebook Page. Simply scroll through all of the Community Projects and Share, Like, Comment and Offer Help to the Ideas & Community Projects posted by others in our community.
You will Find Big Ideas, CP CR Big Ideas, Community Projects, Crowdsourcing Projects that need your help on the Web Platform.
You may also Join the Community Skill Bank to share your Skills, Knowlege & Talents. Or,
Volunteer to Help Nonprofits, Schools or Community Projects.
Become a Social Media Lover for a Cause Helping Your Community and Promoting the Causes You are Passionate about Supporting.
Or, if you are under 18 years old: Join the Teen Corps or Youth Volunteers or Join the Youth Social Media Lovers for a Cause project.
Find out how your Business, School, College, University, Nonprofit Organization, Fraternal Organization, Club, Government Agency, Social Service Agency, Indian Tribe, Faith Community, Charitable Foundation can Help Local Nonprofit Organizations. Share your own ideas about how Individual Community Members , Students, Teachers, Professors, Scientific Researchers, Corporate Donors, Philanthropists, Individual Donors, The Startup Community, Social Entrepreneurs, Startup Ventures, or your own organization can work with nonprofits.
Help local Nonprofits do their Good Work in the Community and Make the World a Better Place. This is an Online Brainstorming Project. Join in on the fun! Find Your Passion! Find Your Purpose!
If you would like to make the world a better place, come join us in person at one of our Community Project Accelerator events! We are an early stage Idea Incubator. We serve our community by offering Community Project Accelerator events, Ideathons, Social Entrepreneur Startup events, "Hackathons of Help", Make-a-thons, Crowdsourcing Projects & Community Brainstorming Sessions. :-) On the day of the event, you may participate from home by following each Community Project and contributing helpful ideas & information via our Facebook page at Community Project Accelerator Community-Project-Accelerator-CPX-1855799894733893
Help Nonprofits, Schools, Community Projects & Social Entrepreneurs--1 to 5
07 Jul - 01:00 PM
Mesa, United States
All are welcome! If you like to help people, solve problems, have fun & meet positive people who want to make a positive difference in their community, this event is for you!
Have a Positive Impact on your Community! Make a Difference in the World! Help Launch Community Projects & Social Entrepreneur Startup Ideas that Solve Social or Environmental Problems. Please Share Your Time & Your Talents to Help Your Community.
After each project or idea is pitched there will be time for audience members help move the idea forward by sharing helpful ideas, information, connections, introductions & resources. You may even decide to join their venture as a mentor, volunteer or team member! Join the fun & excitement. Learn lots. Connect with others in your community.
Who Should Attend:
***Volunteers of all ages, backgrounds and skill levels. We will find a place to utilize your time & talents.
***Anyone with special talents or skills to share to help make the world a better place.
***Individuals or Organizations with an Idea that Solves a Social or Environmental problem.
***Nonprofit, Social Entrepreneurs & Startup organizations that would like to work together with other nonprofits, social entrepreneurs and members of the community to learn what resources are available to help them with their mission.
***Businesses, Schools, Universities & Faith Communities that would like to partner with or support nonprofits or new startup ventures.
***Volunteers of all ages, backgrounds and skill levels. We will find a place to utilize your time & talents.
***Specific skills that will be helpful: We will be working on Community Projects that help Animals, Seniors, Veterans, Families, the Environment & Sustainability. We are brainstorming & giving feedback on projects. We need Creative people who understand Digital Culture, Social Media Marketing, Video, Documentary Film, Creative Arts Projects, Public Art, Music, Theater, Graphic Design, Games for Good, Coding, Database Management,Health Tech, Edu Tech, AI, ML, VR, AR, Big Data, Drone Use for Good, Writers, Marketers, Public Relations, Fundraisers, Green Tech & Sustainability issue experts, etc. We need all skills. We need you! :-) Let's get together and see what happens! Together we can make a difference! :-) Please come and share your skills for a few hours or all day.
Come join us to find out about Community Projects that need your help. Whether you want to help animals, children, seniors, veterans or the environment, local small nonprofit organizations and schools in your community need you!
This is a Community Project Accelerator & Startup Idea Incubator Event! Think of it as helping to bring a good idea to life. This is a chance to share your ideas, information, resources or skills to help move a community project forward. Each individual or organization with a good idea to pitch can then meet with people interested in volunteering to help with theirStartup Idea or Community Project for the rest of the day, if they wish.
There will be several tables, or "stations", available for each of the projects that need help. You can "visit" and help as many Community Projects or Startup Ideas as you wish. Or, find a project that interests you and help out for a few minutes, a few hours or the entire day! Come learn new skills, share ideas, connect with new people & make a positive impact on your community by helping a Community Project.
Morning & Afternoon events available. There are morning & afternoon Pitches, Idea Incubation & a "Hackathon of Help" where you assist with projects.
***You can choose to be a "Butterfly" moving from project to project.
***You can choose to be a "Bee" and stay with your project "Hive" to work with others and concentrate on completing that specific project.
1:00-5:00 Mesa Main Library downtown Mesa
2nd floor in the Saguaro Room
Option #1 is Track A: Volunteer Fair & Community Project Display--Volunteers can meet local organizations that need your help. These nonprofit organizations will have specific projects that they need help with today. Shop around and see what Community Projects interest you. Stay with one project and work on it during the hackathon or go from project to project giving ideas, offering solutions and helping where you can. From 1:00 to 3:00 Small, Volunteer Run Nonprofits can display their brochures and meet potential volunteers who may want longer term volunteer opportunities.
For Nonprofits & Schools: Nonprofits & Schools can just show up on the dayto participate in the volunteer fair but it is best if you contact us before so that we know you are coming. We will list you on our marketing spots to let people know that you are coming. Another benefit for nonprofits is that you may leave your brochures with us and volunteers will bring them to other volunteer fairs to assist you in finding volunteers.
Option #2 is Track B: Nonprofits, Schools, Social Entrepreneurs, Startups & Individuals with a good idea for a Community Project will pitch their idea and receive brainstorming help and advice from the audience. Please check the schedule closer to the day to know which idea is being presented at which time. Please scroll down to see the tentative schedule. Each idea gets 8 minutes. That is 3 minutes to pitch the idea and the rest of the time to receive crowdsourced ideas from people willing to help. Please share your time and your talents by attending this event and giving information & creative ideas that help support these Community Projects.
Option #3 is Track C: Begin working with Community Projects that have been presented. Each organization & individual who brings an idea will also have a specific project that they need help with. Please visit the various tables and share your time & your talents to help move their project forward. You are welcome to visit and help lots of Community Projects or stay with the one that interests you most and assist them in completing their project.
3:00-4:30 Mesa Main Library downtown 2nd floor in the Saguaro Room.
Option #1 is Track A: Open Mic Pitches--You are welcome to sign up for a slot of time to pitch your idea. Simply show up on the day of the event, schedule a time to pitch and receive helpful ideas and information that will help your idea become a reality.
Option #2 is Track B: "Meet Your Tribe" Meet with your "Tribe" of people interested in promoting the welfare of Veterans, Seniors, Animals, Women, Children/Teens, the Environment, etc. Discuss the major issues that face the group of individuals you are most passionate about helping. Create a list of Community Projects to pursue that would be helpful. What would make their lives easier & better. Where are the Community Resources that help? What organizations & information sources are most helpful? Who should be working together? Where are the gaps in service? Meet with like-minded others who share your passion for helping this group! :-) Brainstorm innovative ways of getting important messages out that affect these populations. Use your combined creativity to increase awareness of your cause.
Option #3 is Track C: Continue working with Community Projects that have been presented. Each organization & individual who brings an idea will also have a specific project that they need help with. Please visit the various tables and share your time & your talents. You are welcome to visit and help lots of Community Projects or stay with the one that interests you most and assist them in completing their project.
4:30-5:00 Mesa Main Library downtown 2nd floor in the Saguaro Room.
Final pitches about what has been accomplished today. Share your successes! Show people what you created. Present what the next steps are for your project and what help you need to move forward.
Come and meet like-minded people who are passionate about the causes you care about. Have fun! Help people! Solve Problems! Use your creativity! Make new friends and connect with other volunteers from differing backgrounds & belief systems.Learn new skills! Share your time and your talents! Make the World a Better Place!
WHAT TO BRING: Bring any type of Community Project that Makes the World a Better Place. Also bring: Snacks, Drinks in closed containers, paper, pens, colored pencils, markers, white boards, flip charts, scrap paper, laptop computers, extra card tables and anything else that will help you be creative. Nonprofits should bring information & brochures. Please tell your friends! We need all skills, all ideas and all interest in different worthy causes. Please put on your Superhero cape and bring your own unique Superhero skills to help create positive change in your community.
We are an online/in person Community Project Accelerator that Offers Create-a-Thons, Hackathons, Make-a-Thons & Social Entrepreneur Startup Events that Create Opportunities for Like-Minded Individuals & Organizations to Support Community Projects that Make the World a Better Place.
We Help Individuals & Organizations to Find the Information & Resources They Need to Solve Social & Environmental Problems. Thank you for your help in getting the word out through your social media channels! :-)
If you would like to make the world a better place, come join us! :-) On the day of the event, you may participate from home by following each Community Project and contributing helpful ideas & information via our Facebook page at Community-Project-Accelerator-CPX-1855799894733893
Mentors & Volunteers Needed! Idea Incubator--->Nonprofit Community Projects
07 Jul - 09:00 AM
Mesa, United States
All are welcome! If you like to help people, solve problems, have fun & meet positive people who want to make a positive difference in their community, this event is for you!
Have a Positive Impact on your Community! Make a Difference in the World! Help Launch Community Projects & Social Entrepreneur Startup Ideas that Solve Social or Environmental Problems. Please Share Your Time & Your Talents to Help Your Community.
After each project or idea is pitched there will be time for audience members help move the idea forward by sharing helpful ideas, information, connections, introductions & resources. You may even decide to join their venture as a mentor, volunteer or team member! Join the fun & excitement. Learn lots. Connect with others in your community.
Mentors & Volunteers Needed to Help at an Idea Incubator & "Hackathon of Help" to Help Nonprofits, Schools, Community Projects & Social Entrepreneurs. Share a few hours with us or enjoy the full day with us! :-)
Who Should Attend:
***Volunteers of all ages, backgrounds and skill levels. We will find a place to utilize your time & talents.
***Anyone with special talents or skills to share to help make the world a better place.
***Individuals or Organizations with an Idea that Solves a Social or Environmental problem.
***Nonprofit, Social Entrepreneurs & Startup organizations that would like to work together with other nonprofits, social entrepreneurs and members of the community to learn what resources are available to help them with their mission.
***Businesses, Schools, Universities & Faith Communities that would like to partner with or support nonprofits or new startup ventures.
***Volunteers of all ages, backgrounds and skill levels. We will find a place to utilize your time & talents.
***Specific skills that will be helpful: We will be working on Community Projects that help Animals, Seniors, Veterans, Families, the Environment & Sustainability. We are brainstorming & giving feedback on projects. We need Creative people who understand Digital Culture, Social Media Marketing, Video, Documentary Film, Creative Arts Projects, Public Art, Music, Theater, Graphic Design, Games for Good, Coding, Database Management,Health Tech, Edu Tech, AI, ML, VR, AR, Big Data, Drone Use for Good, Writers, Marketers, Public Relations, Fundraisers, Green Tech & Sustainability issue experts, etc. We need all skills. We need you! :-) Let's get together and see what happens! Together we can make a difference! :-) Please come and share your skills for a few hours or all day.
Come join us to find out about Community Projects that need your help. Whether you want to help animals, children, seniors, veterans or the environment, local small nonprofit organizations and schools in your community need you!
This is a Community Project Accelerator & Startup Idea Incubator Event! Think of it as helping to bring a good idea to life. This is a chance to share your ideas, information, resources or skills to help move a community project forward. Each individual or organization with a good idea to pitch can then meet with people interested in volunteering to help with theirStartup Idea or Community Project for the rest of the day, if they wish.
There will be several tables, or "stations", available for each of the projects that need help. You can "visit" and help as many Community Projects or Startup Ideas as you wish. Or, find a project that interests you and help out for a few minutes, a few hours or the entire day! Come learn new skills, share ideas, connect with new people & make a positive impact on your community by helping a Community Project.
9:00-1:00 Mesa Main Library downtown Mesa
2nd floor in the Board Room
Option #1 is Track A: Nonprofits, Schools, Social Entrepreneurs, Startups & Individuals with a good idea for a Community Project will pitch their idea and receive brainstorming help and advice from the audience. Please check the schedule closer to the day to know which idea is being presented at which time. Please scroll down to see the tentative schedule. Each idea gets 8 minutes. That is 3 minutes to pitch the idea and the rest of the time to receive crowdsourced ideas from people willing to help. Please share your time and your talents by attending this event and giving information & creative ideas that help support these Community Projects.
Option #2 is Track B:
Volunteer Fair & Community Project Display--Volunteers can meet local organizations that need your help. These nonprofit organizations will have specific projects that they need help with today. Shop around and see what Community Projects interest you. Stay with one project and work on it during the hackathon or go from project to project giving ideas, offering solutions and helping where you can. From 1:00 to 3:00 Small, Volunteer Run Nonprofits can display their brochures and meet potential volunteers who may want longer term volunteer opportunities.
For Nonprofits & Schools: Nonprofits & Schools can just show up on the dayto participate in the volunteer fair but it is best if you contact us before so that we know you are coming. We will list you on our marketing spots to let people know that you are coming. Another benefit for nonprofits is that you may leave your brochures with us and volunteers will bring them to other volunteer fairs to assist you in finding volunteers.
Option #3 is Track C: Begin working with Community Projects that have been presented. Each organization & individual who brings an idea will also have a specific project that they need help with. Please visit the various tables and share your time & your talents to help move their project forward. You are welcome to visit and help lots of Community Projects or stay with the one that interests you most and assist them in completing their project.
11:00-12:30 Mesa Main Library downtown 2nd floor in the Board Room.
Option #1 is Track A: Continue working with Community Projects that have been presented. Offer helpful ideas and information that will help the idea to become a reality. Each organization & individual who brings an idea will also have a specific project that they need help with. Please visit the various tables and share your time & your talents. You are welcome to visit and help lots of Community Projects or stay with the one that interests you most and assist them in completing their project.
Option #2 is Track B: "Meet Your Tribe" Meet with your "Tribe" of people interested in promoting the welfare of Veterans, Seniors, Animals, Women, Children/Teens, the Environment, etc. Discuss the major issues that face the group of individuals you are most passionate about helping. Create a list of Community Projects to pursue that would be helpful. What would make their lives easier & better. Where are the Community Resources that help? What organizations & information sources are most helpful? Who should be working together? Where are the gaps in service? Meet with like-minded others who share your passion for helping this group! :-) Brainstorm innovative ways of getting important messages out that affect these populations. Use your combined creativity to increase awareness of your cause.
12:30-1:00 Mesa Main Library downtown 2nd floor in the Board Room.
Final pitches about what has been accomplished today. Share your successes! Show people what you created. Present what the next steps are for your project and what help you need to move forward.
1:00-5:00 Mesa Main Library downtown Mesa
2nd floor in the Saguaro Room
Option #1 is Track A: Volunteer Fair & Community Project Display--Volunteers can meet local organizations that need your help. These nonprofit organizations will have specific projects that they need help with today. Shop around and see what Community Projects interest you. Stay with one project and work on it during the hackathon or go from project to project giving ideas, offering solutions and helping where you can. From 1:00 to 3:00 Small, Volunteer Run Nonprofits can display their brochures and meet potential volunteers who may want longer term volunteer opportunities.
For Nonprofits & Schools: Nonprofits & Schools can just show up on the dayto participate in the volunteer fair but it is best if you contact us before so that we know you are coming. We will list you on our marketing spots to let people know that you are coming. Another benefit for nonprofits is that you may leave your brochures with us and volunteers will bring them to other volunteer fairs to assist you in finding volunteers.
Option #2 is Track B: Nonprofits, Schools, Social Entrepreneurs, Startups & Individuals with a good idea for a Community Project will pitch their idea and receive brainstorming help and advice from the audience. Please check the schedule closer to the day to know which idea is being presented at which time. Please scroll down to see the tentative schedule. Each idea gets 8 minutes. That is 3 minutes to pitch the idea and the rest of the time to receive crowdsourced ideas from people willing to help. Please share your time and your talents by attending this event and giving information & creative ideas that help support these Community Projects.
Option #3 is Track C: Begin working with Community Projects that have been presented. Each organization & individual who brings an idea will also have a specific project that they need help with. Please visit the various tables and share your time & your talents to help move their project forward. You are welcome to visit and help lots of Community Projects or stay with the one that interests you most and assist them in completing their project.
3:00-4:30 Mesa Main Library downtown 2nd floor in the Saguaro Room.
Option #1 is Track A: Open Mic Pitches--You are welcome to sign up for a slot of time to pitch your idea. Simply show up on the day of the event, schedule a time to pitch and receive helpful ideas and information that will help your idea become a reality.
Option #2 is Track B: "Meet Your Tribe" Meet with your "Tribe" of people interested in promoting the welfare of Veterans, Seniors, Animals, Women, Children/Teens, the Environment, etc. Discuss the major issues that face the group of individuals you are most passionate about helping. Create a list of Community Projects to pursue that would be helpful. What would make their lives easier & better. Where are the Community Resources that help? What organizations & information sources are most helpful? Who should be working together? Where are the gaps in service? Meet with like-minded others who share your passion for helping this group! :-) Brainstorm innovative ways of getting important messages out that affect these populations. Use your combined creativity to increase awareness of your cause.
Option #3 is Track C: Continue working with Community Projects that have been presented. Each organization & individual who brings an idea will also have a specific project that they need help with. Please visit the various tables and share your time & your talents. You are welcome to visit and help lots of Community Projects or stay with the one that interests you most and assist them in completing their project.
4:30-5:00 Mesa Main Library downtown 2nd floor in the Saguaro Room.
Final pitches about what has been accomplished today. Share your successes! Show people what you created. Present what the next steps are for your project and what help you need to move forward.
Come and meet like-minded people who are passionate about the causes you care about. Have fun! Help people! Solve Problems! Use your creativity! Make new friends and connect with other volunteers from differing backgrounds & belief systems.Learn new skills! Share your time and your talents! Make the World a Better Place!
WHAT TO BRING: Bring any type of Community Project that Makes the World a Better Place. Also bring: Snacks, Drinks in closed containers, paper, pens, colored pencils, markers, white boards, flip charts, scrap paper, laptop computers, extra card tables and anything else that will help you be creative. Nonprofits should bring information & brochures. Please tell your friends! We need all skills, all ideas and all interest in different worthy causes. Please put on your Superhero cape and bring your own unique Superhero skills to help create positive change in your community.
We are an online/in person Community Project Accelerator that Offers Create-a-Thons, Hackathons, Make-a-Thons & Social Entrepreneur Startup Events that Create Opportunities for Like-Minded Individuals & Organizations to Support Community Projects that Make the World a Better Place.
We Help Individuals & Organizations to Find the Information & Resources They Need to Solve Social & Environmental Problems. Thank you for your help in getting the word out through your social media channels! :-)
If you would like to make the world a better place, come join us! :-) On the day of the event, you may participate from home by following each Community Project and contributing helpful ideas & information via our Facebook page at Community-Project-Accelerator-CPX-1855799894733893
Hackathon! Coders, Techies, Web Developers Help Nonprofit Projects
07 Jul - 09:00 AM
Mesa, United States
Please share your skills, talents & knowledge. Volunteer event helps local schools & nonprofits Help brainstorm ideas & help create innovative solutions. All skills are welcome! No Experience Necessary! We are Making the World a Better Place 1 Community Project at a Time! Just show up & Meet nice people!We are working on projects such as these that need tech, coding or website development solutions: Donated Item Pick Up, Transport, Tracking & Delivery to a small nonprofit that needs the item.Group Purchase Program where multiple nonprofits save by buying items together,Lending Library amongst nonprofits of items they do not need all the time,Speakers Bureau booking, tracking & Marketing,Community Skill Bank database management,Animal Shelter Management System, Workshop Fundraiser Management System,WordPress website developmentYou are invited to attend any of our Community Volunteer Events. The projects cover many topics such as Children, Arts & Community. The Links to the upcoming event dates & times are listed below. No sign up needed. Just show up & Join in the Fun. Learn new skills. Help Schools & Nonprofits. Help Your Community!
You can working on coding & tech projects or join in the brainstorming session & hear good ideas.9 to 11 and again with new Ideas & Community Projects at 1 to 3
The first 2 hours of our Community Volunteer Events are Brainstorming good ideas that may help the chosen topic(s) for the day. Schools, Nonprofits & Individuals share needs, challenges, good ideas & Community Projects they would like to create. The audience Brainstorms helpful information, connections, resources, etc. If you have a good idea that makes the world a better place, you may present your idea, too! :-)
11 to 1 and again 3 to 5. Or, just work on the same project for the entire day.
The second 2 hours of the Community Project Volunteer Event is when we form teams to work on projects that help our community. Pick a Community Project that interests you or help as many projects on this topic as you are passionate about helping. Be a "Butterfly" visiting lots of projects and helping where you can. Or, be a "Bee" and find your "hive" and hang out with that one team working on their project. :-)Please share your ideas, talents, knowledge & expertise to make the world a better place. Have fun. Meet new people, be creative & learn lots! :-) All are welcome! No Experience Necessary!
You are invited to attend any of our Community Project Accelerator events. link to all of our events & Facebook link: z--gilbert/community-project-a ccelerator/?q=community%20proj ect%20accelerator&loc=Gilbert% 2C%20AZ&date= nity-Project-Accelerator-CPX-1 855799894733893/
Stop Complaining & Start Volunteering! Help Your Community!
07 Jul - 09:00 AM
Mesa, United States
Everyone is welcome to attend this FREE event! No previous experience is necessary! Get Help & Give Help to others with good ideas.
Mentors & Volunteers Nedded to Help Nonprofits, Schools, Social Entrepreneurs & Innovative Individuals who will be presenting their Ideas, innovative Community Projects or Startup Ventures! :-)
All skills are needed! You, as Mentors & Volunteers, will be sharing helpful information, ideas, connections & resources to help these projects become a reality. With your help we can make the world a better place 1 Community Project at a time! :-) Please Share Your Time, Your Talents, Your Knowledge & Your Expertise to Make a Positive Impact in your Community!
Everyone is welcome to attend! Who else do you know who may be interested in helping their community? Please share this far & wide on social media! Together We Can Make a Difference!
Just so you know who you will be helping, the Nonprofits, Schools, Social Entrepreneurs & Innovative Individuals will be bringing Ideas, Community Projects or Startup Ventures that match these questions:
***Do you have a good Idea that solves a Social or Environmental Problem?
***Do you have a project that helps improve the quality of life for Animals, Children, Veterans, Seniors, Teens, Families, Women, the Environment, etc.?
***Do you have an innovation that makes the systems of Healthcare, Education, Government, Senior Care or any other system work better, faster, cheaper, more effectively & more efficiently?
***Would you like FREE assistance from others who would also like to make the world a better place?
This event is a 100% Volunteer run early stage Idea Incubator and a Community Project Accelerator. We help bring good ideas to life. Our Mentors & Volunteers offer FREE Help to you. You will get the information, resources & connections that you need to make your project a reality. :-)
Together we can make the world a better place!
If you like to generate ideas, solve problems, help people, learn new things, use your creativity, have fun & meet positive people who want to make a positive difference in their community, then our Community Accelerator events are for you! No previous experience is needed.
Online Virtual Volunteers are needed! You can continue to be part of the "Helping Community" that we are creating.
Can't Make it the Day of the Event? Please scroll down to see the opportunites to help your community as an Online Virtual Volunteer.You Can Share Helpful Information & Resources in the Comment Section of our Community Project Accelerator Facebook Page. Simply scroll through all of the Community Projects and Share, Like, Comment and Offer Help to the Ideas & Community Projects posted by others in our community.
You will Find Big Ideas, CP CR Big Ideas, Community Projects, Crowdsourcing Projects that need your help on the Web Platform.
You may also Join the Community Skill Bank to share your Skills, Knowlege & Talents. Or,
Volunteer to Help Nonprofits, Schools or Community Projects.
Become a Social Media Lover for a Cause Helping Your Community and Promoting the Causes You are Passionate about Supporting.
Or, if you are under 18 years old: Join the Teen Corps or Youth Volunteers or Join the Youth Social Media Lovers for a Cause project.
Find out how your Business, School, College, University, Nonprofit Organization, Fraternal Organization, Club, Government Agency, Social Service Agency, Indian Tribe, Faith Community, Charitable Foundation can Help Local Nonprofit Organizations. Share your own ideas about how Individual Community Members , Students, Teachers, Professors, Scientific Researchers, Corporate Donors, Philanthropists, Individual Donors, The Startup Community, Social Entrepreneurs, Startup Ventures, or your own organization can work with nonprofits.
Help local Nonprofits do their Good Work in the Community and Make the World a Better Place. This is an Online Brainstorming Project. Join in on the fun! Find Your Passion! Find Your Purpose!
If you would like to make the world a better place, come join us in person at one of our Community Project Accelerator events! We are an early stage Idea Incubator. We serve our community by offering Community Project Accelerator events, Ideathons, Social Entrepreneur Startup events, "Hackathons of Help", Make-a-thons, Crowdsourcing Projects & Community Brainstorming Sessions. :-) On the day of the event, you may participate from home by following each Community Project and contributing helpful ideas & information via our Facebook page at Community Project Accelerator Community-Project-Accelerator-CPX-1855799894733893
Social Media Lovers for a Cause Helping Animals, Veterans, Children, the Environment, etc.
07 Jul - 09:00 AM
Mesa, United States
All are welcome! If you like to help people, solve problems, have fun & meet positive people who want to make a positive difference in their community, this event is for you! No previous experience needed! :-)
ALL SKILLS & SKILL LEVELS ARE WELCOME! LEARN NEW SKILLS! Have Fun & Meet Nice People! Just show up any time within the hours of this early stage Idea Incubator and Community Project Accelerator.
Social Media Lovers for a Cause Needed! Marketing & Digital Culture Mentors Needed!
We are working on creating innovative ways to get important messages out into the public. We Need Your Help! Please share this Mentoring & Volunteer opportunity with others who may be interested. Please help us get the word out via your social media channels. Together we can Make the World a Better Place!
We need Creative people who understand Digital Culture, Social Media Marketing, Video, Documentary Film, Creative Arts Projects, Public Art, Music, Pop Up Theater, Graphic Design, Marketers, Public Relations, Fundraisers, Visual Artists, Performing Artists, Sales & Marketing Mentors needed.
Mentors & Volunteers Needed to Help Craft Messaging and Launch Social Media Campaigns that Help
Children & Teens
Environment & Sustainability
Get Help & Brainstorm with other professionals & Give Help to Nonprofits with good ideas and social media needs to get the message out about
Food Insecurity
Physical Health
Mental/Emotional Health
Basic Needs Resources
Get Help & Brainstorm with other professionals & Give Help to Nonprofits with good ideas and social media needs.
We need all skills. We need you! :-) Let's get together and see what happens! Together we can make a difference! :-) Please come and share your skills for a few hours or for the entire day!
Everyone is welcome to attend this FREE event! No previous experience is necessary!
Just so you can get an idea of who you will be helping, Nonprofits, Social Entrepreneurs and Innovative Individuals are attending this event with projects that answer these questions:
***Do you have a good Idea that solves a Social or Environmental Problem?
***Do you have a project that helps improve the quality of life for Animals, Children, Veterans, Seniors, Teens, Families, Women, the Environment, etc.?
***Do you have an innovation that makes the systems of Healthcare, Education, Government, Senior Care or any other system work better, faster, cheaper, more effectively & more efficiently?
***Would you like FREE assistance from others who would also like to make the world a better place?
This event is a 100% Volunteer run early stage Idea Incubator and a Community Project Accelerator. We help bring good ideas to life. Our Mentors & Volunteers offer FREE Help to you. You will get the information, resources & connections that you need to make your project a reality. :-)
Together we can make the world a better place!
If you like to generate ideas, solve problems, help people, learn new things, use your creativity, have fun & meet positive people who want to make a positive difference in their community, then our Community Accelerator events are for you! No previous experience is needed.
Online Virtual Volunteers are needed! You can continue to be part of the "Helping Community" that we are creating.
Can't Make it the Day of the Event? Please scroll down to see the opportunites to help your community as an Online Virtual Volunteer.You Can Share Helpful Information & Resources in the Comment Section of our Community Project AcceleratorFacebook Page. Simply scroll through all of the Community Projects and Share, Like, Comment and Offer Help to the Ideas & Community Projects posted by others in our community.
You will Find Big Ideas, CP CR Big Ideas, Community Projects, Crowdsourcing Projects that need your help on the Web Platform.
You may also Join the Community Skill Bank to share your Skills, Knowlege & Talents. Or,
Volunteer to Help Nonprofits, Schools or Community Projects.
Become a Social Media Lover for a Cause Helping Your Community and Promoting the Causes You are Passionate about Supporting.
Or, if you are under 18 years old: Join the Teen Corps or Youth Volunteers or Join the Youth Social Media Lovers for a Causeproject.
Find out how your Business, School, College, University,Nonprofit Organization, Fraternal Organization, Club, Government Agency, Social Service Agency, Indian Tribe, Faith Community, Charitable Foundation can Help Local Nonprofit Organizations. Share your own ideas about how Individual Community Members , Students, Teachers, Professors, Scientific Researchers, Corporate Donors, Philanthropists, Individual Donors, The Startup Community, Social Entrepreneurs, Startup Ventures, or your own organization can work with nonprofits.
Help local Nonprofits do their Good Work in the Community and Make the World a Better Place. This is an Online Brainstorming Project. Join in on the fun! Find Your Passion! Find Your Purpose!
If you would like to make the world a better place, come join us in person at one of our Community Project Accelerator events! We are an early stage Idea Incubator. We serve our community by offering Community Project Accelerator events, Ideathons, Social Entrepreneur Startup events, "Hackathons of Help", Make-a-thons, Crowdsourcing Projects & Community Brainstorming Sessions. :-) On the day of the event, you may participate from home by following each Community Project and contributing helpful ideas & information via our Facebook page at Community Project Accelerator Community-Project-Accelerator-CPX-1855799894733893
Mentors Needed! Volunteer & Help Ideas that Makes the World a Better Place!
07 Jul - 09:00 AM
Mesa, United States
Everyone is welcome to attend this FREE event! No previous experience is necessary! Get Help & Give Help to others with good ideas.
Mentors & Volunteers Nedded to Help Nonprofits, Schools, Social Entrepreneurs & Innovative Individuals who will be presenting their Ideas, innovative Community Projects or Startup Ventures! :-)
All skills are needed! You, as Mentors & Volunteers, will be sharing helpful information, ideas, connections & resources to help these projects become a reality. With your help we can make the world a better place 1 Community Project at a time! :-) Please Share Your Time, Your Talents, Your Knowledge & Your Expertise to Make a Positive Impact in your Community!
Everyone is welcome to attend! Who else do you know who may be interested in helping their community? Please share this far & wide on social media! Together We Can Make a Difference!
Just so you know who you will be helping, the Nonprofits, Schools, Social Entrepreneurs & Innovative Individuals will be bringing Ideas, Community Projects or Startup Ventures that match these questions:
***Do you have a good Idea that solves a Social or Environmental Problem?
***Do you have a project that helps improve the quality of life for Animals, Children, Veterans, Seniors, Teens, Families, Women, the Environment, etc.?
***Do you have an innovation that makes the systems of Healthcare, Education, Government, Senior Care or any other system work better, faster, cheaper, more effectively & more efficiently?
***Would you like FREE assistance from others who would also like to make the world a better place?
This event is a 100% Volunteer run early stage Idea Incubator and a Community Project Accelerator. We help bring good ideas to life. Our Mentors & Volunteers offer FREE Help to you. You will get the information, resources & connections that you need to make your project a reality. :-)
Together we can make the world a better place!
If you like to generate ideas, solve problems, help people, learn new things, use your creativity, have fun & meet positive people who want to make a positive difference in their community, then our Community Accelerator events are for you! No previous experience is needed.
Online Virtual Volunteers are needed! You can continue to be part of the "Helping Community" that we are creating.
Can't Make it the Day of the Event? Please scroll down to see the opportunites to help your community as an Online Virtual Volunteer.You Can Share Helpful Information & Resources in the Comment Section of our Community Project Accelerator Facebook Page. Simply scroll through all of the Community Projects and Share, Like, Comment and Offer Help to the Ideas & Community Projects posted by others in our community.
You will Find Big Ideas, CP CR Big Ideas, Community Projects, Crowdsourcing Projects that need your help on the Web Platform.
You may also Join the Community Skill Bank to share your Skills, Knowlege & Talents. Or,
Volunteer to Help Nonprofits, Schools or Community Projects.
Become a Social Media Lover for a Cause Helping Your Community and Promoting the Causes You are Passionate about Supporting.
Or, if you are under 18 years old: Join the Teen Corps or Youth Volunteers or Join the Youth Social Media Lovers for a Cause project.
Find out how your Business, School, College, University, Nonprofit Organization, Fraternal Organization, Club, Government Agency, Social Service Agency, Indian Tribe, Faith Community, Charitable Foundation can Help Local Nonprofit Organizations. Share your own ideas about how Individual Community Members , Students, Teachers, Professors, Scientific Researchers, Corporate Donors, Philanthropists, Individual Donors, The Startup Community, Social Entrepreneurs, Startup Ventures, or your own organization can work with nonprofits.
Help local Nonprofits do their Good Work in the Community and Make the World a Better Place. This is an Online Brainstorming Project. Join in on the fun! Find Your Passion! Find Your Purpose!
If you would like to make the world a better place, come join us in person at one of our Community Project Accelerator events! We are an early stage Idea Incubator. We serve our community by offering Community Project Accelerator events, Ideathons, Social Entrepreneur Startup events, "Hackathons of Help", Make-a-thons, Crowdsourcing Projects & Community Brainstorming Sessions. :-) On the day of the event, you may participate from home by following each Community Project and contributing helpful ideas & information via our Facebook page at Community Project Accelerator Community-Project-Accelerator-CPX-1855799894733893
Have a Good Idea? Need Help? FREE Pitch Event & Hackathon! Idea Incubator!
07 Jul - 09:00 AM
Mesa, United States
All are welcome! If you like to help people, solve problems, have fun & meet positive people who want to make a positive difference in their community, this event is for you! No previous experience needed! :-)
HACKATHON & INCUBATOR HELP: From 9:00 to 5:00 is the Incubator Hackathon. You can just show up to help any time within those hours. Nonprofits & schools have provided us with lots of projects to work on. Find a project pitch that you like and after their pitch is over you may offer to continue to help them with their Startup Idea or Community Project. Mesa Main Library 2nd floor in the Saguaro Room.
***Would you like to create design, coding, web development, software, hardware or other tech solutions to problems nonprofits & schools are having?
***Do you have a Good Idea? Would you like to receive help, make connections & find helpful resources?
***Would you like to mentor or support others' good ideas by offering helpful information & sharing useful resources?
You are Invited to Our Pitch Event & Hackathon!
Pitch your Idea, Receive Help from the Audience & then use the room for the rest of the day during our Incubator Hackathon. Bring ideas for a specific project to work on & receive community help with for the rest of the day.
This is a Startup Idea Incubator & Community Project Accelerator Event!
PITCH SCHEDULE: 1:00 to 3:00 are the Featured Pitches. 3:00 to 5:00 is Open Mic Pitches for anyone. Sign up on the day of the pitch event and receive FREE help.
HACKATHON & INCUBATOR HELP: From 9:00 to 5:00 is the Incubator Hackathon. You can just show up to help any time within those hours. Nonprofits & schools have provided us with lots of projects to work on. Find a project pitch that you like and after their pitch is over you may offer to continue to help them with their Startup Idea or Community Project.
VOLUNTEER FAIR: 1:00 to 3:00 There will also be a Volunteer Fair & a chance to connect with local nonprofits that need help.
Each Featured Startup Idea or Community Project Pitch may be presented by Individuals, Nonprofits, Social Entrepreneurs, Startup Founders and other Organizations that have a great idea that makes the world a better place. Each idea gets 8 minutes. You have 3 minutes to pitch your idea, tell the crowd the specific help you need & introduce a Hackathon project you would like to complete today. Live brainstorming and audience assistance follows each pitch. You have 5 minutes to receive crowdsourced ideas & information as well as a confirmation from people willing to help you during the Hackathon. Ideas may be at the beginning stage and brand new or more developed.
Audience Members: Please share your time and your talents by attending this event and giving information & creative ideas that help support these Community Projects & Startup Ideas.
This is a Startup Idea Incubator & Community Project Accelerator Event! Think of it as helping to bring a good idea to life. This is a chance to share your ideas, information, resources or skills to help move a community project forward. Each individual or organization with a good idea to pitch can then meet with people interested in volunteering to help with theirStartup Idea or Community Project for the rest of the day, if they wish.
There will be several tables, or "stations", available for each of the projects that need help. You can "visit" and help as many Community Projects or Startup Ideas as you wish. Or, find a project that interests you and help out for a few minutes, a few hours or the entire day! Come learn new skills, share ideas, connect with new people & make a positive impact on your community by helping a Community Project.
IMPORTANT: Please plan to have someone video your pitch and we will post it on YouTube. We will also create a Facebook post with your project so that people can volunteer to help from home. If you are participating off site, please send in comments with helpful information or resources that can help each Community Project or Startup Idea. Please Like & Share each project with individuals & organizations that may be able to help make theIR Community Project or Startup Idea a reality. Who do you know that might also be interested? Please share this invitation to be part this event that will have a positive impact on our community.
You may also make a Video "Commercial" for your project and write a synopsis of the idea along with what you need to make it happen. There will be "Virtual Volunteers" helping projects online via Twitter & Facebook from home and in other states. Please follow our new Facebook page to get information on how to be a "Virtual Volunteer" even if you cannot be with us in person on the day of the Community Project Accelerator Pitch Event & Hackathon Incubator. Please scroll down to see the Community Projects that have already been proposed. Let's see how much good we can do in a single day! Together we can make a difference!
1:00-3:00 Mesa Main Library downtown 2nd floor in the Saguaro Room.
Option #1 is Track A: Volunteer Fair--Volunteers can meet local organizations that need your help. Small, Volunteer Run Nonprofits can display their brochures and meet potential volunteers. Nonprofits can just show up on the day but it is best if you contact us before so that we know you are coming. Another benefit for nonprofits is that you may leave your brochures with us and volunteers will bring them to other volunteer fairs to assist you in finding volunteers.
Option #2 is Track B: Startups, Social Entrepreneurs, Nonprofits & Individuals with a good idea for a Community Project or Startup Launch pitch their idea and receive brainstorming help and advice from the audience. Please check the schedule closer to the day to know which idea is being presented at which time. Please scroll down to see the tentative schedule. Each idea gets 10 minutes. That is 3 minutes to pitch the idea and the rest of the time to receive crowdsourced ideas from people willing to help. Please share your time and your talents by attending this event and giving information & creative ideas that help support these Community Projects & Startup Ideas. There are 12 Featured Pitches.
Option #3 is Track C: Begin working with Community Projects that have been presented. Each organization & individual who brings an idea will also have a specific project that they need help with. Please visit the various tables and share your time & your talents to help move their project forward. You are welcome to visit and help lots of Community Projects or stay with the one that interests you most and assist them in completing their project.
3:00-4:30 Mesa Main Library downtown 2nd floor in the Saguaro Room.
Option #1 is Track A: Open Mic Pitches--You are welcome to sign up for a slot of time to pitch your idea. Simply show up on the day of the event, schedule a time to pitch and receive helpful ideas and information that will help your idea become a reality.
Option #2 is Track B: "Meet Your Tribe" Meet with your "Tribe" of people interested in promoting the welfare of Veterans, Seniors, Animals, Women, Children/Teens, the Environment, etc. Discuss the major issues that face the group of individuals you are most passionate about helping. Create a list of Community Projects to pursue that would be helpful. What would make their lives easier & better. Where are the Community Resources that help? What organizations & information sources are most helpful? Who should be working together? Where are the gaps in service? Meet with like-minded others who share your passion for helping this group! :-) Brainstorm innovative ways of getting important messages out that affect these populations. Use your combined creativity to increase awareness of your cause.
Option #3 is Track C: Continue working with Community Projects that have been presented. Each organization & individual who brings an idea will also have a specific project that they need help with. Please visit the various tables and share your time & your talents. You are welcome to visit and help lots of Community Projects or stay with the one that interests you most and assist them in completing their project.
4:30-5:00 Mesa Main Library downtown 2nd floor in the Saguaro Room.
Final pitches about what has been accomplished today. Share what the next steps are for your project and what you need to move forward.
Tentative Schedule for Community Project Pitches--Subject to Change. Please Check back closer to the day of the event to view the final schedule.
1:00-3:00 FEATURED PROJECTS--Open Mic Pitches please sign up on the day of the Pitch Event.
Speakers Bureau
Propose an idea or pitch your own Community Project and receive help from others. Or, find a project that interests you and help out where you can on any of the projects listed below.
WHAT TO BRING: Bring any type of Community Project that Makes the World a Better Place. Also bring: Snacks, Drinks in closed containers, paper, pens, colored pencils, markers, white boards, flip charts, scrap paper, laptop computers, extra card tables and anything else that will help you be creative. Nonprofits should bring information & brochures. Please tell your friends! We need all skills, all ideas and all interest in different worthy causes. Please put on your Superhero cape and bring your own unique Superhero skills to help create positive change in your community.
We are an online/in person Community Project Accelerator that Offers Create-a-Thons, Hackathons, Make-a-Thons & Social Entrepreneur Startup Events that Create Opportunities for Like-Minded Individuals & Organizations to Support Community Projects that Make the World a Better Place.
We Help Individuals & Organizations to Find the Information & Resources They Need to Solve Social & Environmental Problems. Thank you for your help in getting the word out through your social media channels! :-)
Who Should Attend:
***Individuals or Organizations with an Idea that Solves a Social or Environmental problem.
***Nonprofit organizations or Social Entrepreneurs that have an idea for a Community Project and would like to seek the support of their community and learn what resources are available to help them with their mission.
***Businesses, Schools, Universities & Faith Communities that would like to partner with or support good ideas.
***Volunteers of all ages, backgrounds and skill levels. We will find a place to utilize your time & talents.
Come join us to find out about Community Projects that need your help. Whether you want to help animals, children, seniors, veterans or the environment, local small nonprofit organizations and schools in your community need you!
Please share your time and your talents to make the world a better place. At this Volunteer Orientation you will also find out about the Ways Your Business, School, University or Faith Organization Can Support Your Local Nonprofits & Schools. Below are examples of some of the projects that individuals & organizations will be pitching on Saturday:
The Community Project Accelerator events where individuals and nonprofits pitch good ideas and Community Projects that help their community and the audience brainstorms idea, connections and resources that can help.
Come and meet like minded people. Connect with other volunteers. Share your time and your talents! Make the World a Better Place!
If you would like to make the world a better place, come join us! :-) On the day of the event, you may participate from home by following each Community Project and contributing helpful ideas & information via our Facebook page at Community-Project-Accelerator-CPX-1855799894733893
Who do you know that might also be interested? Please share this invitation to be part this event that will have a positive impact on our community.
Help Nonprofits, Schools, Community Projects & Social Entrepreneurs--9 to 1
07 Jul - 09:00 AM
Mesa, United States
All are welcome at this FREE Ideathon & Community Volunteer Event! Our FREE community events offer support to individuals & organizations with good ideas that help our community. We serve as an early stage Idea Incubator and a Community Project Accelerator. You are invited to Help!
Do you have a good idea that helps Veterans, Children, Teens, Animals, Seniors, Food Security, Sustainability & the Environment, Physical or Mental Health, Homelessness, etc.? Come share your ideas at this FREE Community Event!
***Are you an Individual, a Nonprofit Organization or a School that needs help with a Big Idea or a Community Project?
***Do You Have an Idea or a Community Project that Helps Schools or Nonprofits? Each Community Projector Accelerator event highlights a specific cause to help, issue to solve or need to fill.
***Would you like to Help Nonprofits, Schools & Community Projects?
Come and meet like-minded people who are passionate about the causes you care about. Have fun! Help people! Solve Problems! Use your creativity! Make new friends and connect with other volunteers from differing backgrounds & belief systems. Learn new skills! Share your time and your talents! Make a Positive Difference in Your Community! Make the World a Better Place! No previous experience necessary. Welcome! You are Invited!
Can't Make it on the Day of the Event? Please scroll down to the bottom of this page to see all of the opportunites to Get Involved, Find Your Purpose, Help a Cause You are Passionate about and have a Positive Impact in Your Community! You may choose to Volunteer in person or become an Online Virtual Volunteer or a Social Media Lover for a Cause volunteer. Helpful Links are Provided at the bottom of this page.
You may also Help Online on the day of the event & you can even continue to help long after our event.
We also offer an Online Virtual---Community Project Accelerator & early stage new Idea Incubator! This is a chance to share your ideas, information, resources or skills to help move a community project forward. Think of it as helping to bring a good idea to life as a Virtual Volunteer.
Share Helpful Information & Resources in the Comment Section of our Community Project Accelerator Facebook Page. Simply scroll through all of the Big Ideas & Community Projects posted there and Share, Like, Comment and Offer Help to the Ideas & Community Projects posted by others in our community. Join in on the fun & challenge!
If you like to help people, learn new things, use your creativity, generate ideas, solve problems, have fun & meet positive people who want to make a positive difference in their community, then this event is for you! No previous experience is needed.
***Have a Good Idea or a Community Project that Helps Your Community? Present or "Pitch" Your Idea.
***Would You Like to Share Your Skills, Knowledge & Expertise? Enjoy Hearing Good Ideas & Help by Joining in on the Audience Brainstorming Session.
***Would you Enjoy Participating in a Brainstorming Session to Generate Creative Solutions that Help Our Community?
After each project or idea is pitched there will be time for audience members to help move the idea forward by sharing helpful ideas, information, connections, introductions & resources. Each Idea or Community Project presenter brings several specific projects they need help on that day. You can use your skills to help move their project forward.
Feel free to spend the rest of your time at today's event helping one or several of the projects. You may even decide to continue to help after this volunteer event & join their idea or Community Project as a Mentor, Volunteer or Team Member! Join the fun & excitement! Learn lots. Connect with others in your community. Make new friends. Find Your Passion! Find Your Purpose! Help Your Community & Make a Positive Difference in the World! :-)
Who Should Attend:
***Volunteers of all ages, backgrounds and skill levels. We will help you find a good place to invest your time & talents.
***Anyone with special talents, skills or expertise to share to help make the world a better place.
***Individuals or Organizations with an Idea that Solves a Social or Environmental problem.
***Nonprofit, Social Entrepreneurs & Startup organizations that would like to work together with other nonprofits, social entrepreneurs and members of the community to learn what resources are available to help them with their mission.
***Businesses, Schools, Universities, Government Agencies, Fraternal Organizations, Clubs & Members of the Startup Community and Faith Communities that would like to partner with or support nonprofits or new startup ventures.
***Specific skills that will be especially helpful: At Community Project Accelerator Events, we will be working on Community Projects that help Animals, Seniors, Veterans, Families, Education, Health, the Environment & Sustainability. We are brainstorming & giving feedback on a variety of projects.
We need Creative people who understand Business, Project Management, Social Service Delivery, Digital Culture, Social Media Marketing, Video, Documentary Film, Creative Arts Projects, Public Art, Music, Theater, Graphic Design, Games for Good, Coding, Database Management, Supply Chain Management, Health Tech, Edu Tech, AI, ML, VR, AR, Big Data, Drone Use for Good, Writers, Marketers, Public Relations, Fundraisers, Green Tech & Sustainability issue experts, etc. We need all skills. We need you! :-) Let's get together and see what happens! Together we can make a difference! :-) Please come and share your skills for a few hours or for the entire day!
Have a Positive Impact on your Community! Make a Difference in the World! Help Launch Community Projects & Social Entrepreneur Startup Ideas that Solve Social or Environmental Problems. Please Share Your Time & Your Talents to Help Your Community. You Can Help Bring Good Ideas to Life. You Can Help Make the World a Better Place 1 Community Project at a Time. Join our early stage new Idea Incubator & Community Project Accelerator volunteer event.
Come join us to find out about Community Projects that need your help. Whether you want to help animals, children, seniors, veterans or the environment, local small nonprofit organizations and schools in your community need you!
This is a Community Project Accelerator & early stage new Idea Incubator Event! Think of it as helping to bring a good idea to life. This is a chance to share your ideas, information, resources or skills to help move a community project forward. Each individual or organization with a good idea to pitch can then meet with people interested in volunteering to help with their early stage Idea or Community Project for the rest of the day, if they wish.
There will be several tables, or "stations", available for each of the projects that need help. You can "visit" and help as many Community Projects or new Ideas as you wish. Or, find a project that interests you and help out for a few minutes, a few hours or the entire day! Come learn new skills, share ideas, connect with new people & make a positive impact on your community by helping a Community Project.
We are an online/in person Community Project Accelerator that Offers Ideathons, Hackathons, Make-a-Thons, Brainstorming Sessions & Social Entrepreneur Startup Events that Create Opportunities for Like-Minded Individuals & Organizations to Support Community Projects that Make the World a Better Place.
We Help Individuals & Organizations to Find the Information & Resources They Need to Solve Social & Environmental Problems. Thank you for your help in getting the word out through your social media channels! :-)
Morning & Afternoon Idea Incubator & Community Project Accelerator events are available. At full day events, there are morning & afternoon Presentations and Pitches, Idea Incubation & a "Hackathon of Help" where you assist with projects.
***You can choose to be a "Butterfly" moving from project to project sharing your time & talents with many projects that need your help.
***You can choose to be a "Bee" and stay with your project "Hive" to work with others and concentrate on completing that specific project.
9:00-1:00 Morning Event at Mesa Main Library downtown Mesa
2nd floor in the Board Room
Option #1 is Track A:
Individuals, Nonprofits, Schools, Social Entrepreneurs & Startups with a good Idea or a Community Project will pitch their idea and receive brainstorming help and advice from the audience. Please check the schedule closer to the day to know which idea is being presented at which time. Please scroll down to see the tentative schedule when it is posted. Each idea gets 10 minutes. That is 5 minutes to pitch the idea and the rest of the time to receive crowdsourced ideas from people willing to help. Please share your time and your talents by attending this event and giving information & creative ideas that help support these Ideas & Community Projects. You can just show up at the event and present your idea. If you prefer to reserve a time to present or "pitch" your idea, you can sign up to reserve a time slot by sending the answers to the Idea or Community Project Submission Form below. (Please Scroll Down to see the Pitch Format)
Option #2 is Track B:
Volunteer Fair & Community Project Display--You can Meet & Greet local organizations & individuals that need your volunteer help. The nonprofit organizations will have brochures, volunteer opportunities and specific projects that they need help with both today and in the future. Shop around and see what Community Projects interest you. Stay with one project and work on it during the entire event or go from project to project giving ideas, offering solutions and helping where you can. During the entire Community Project Accelerator event all Small, Volunteer Run Nonprofits can display their brochures and meet potential volunteers who may want longer term volunteer opportunities.
For Nonprofits & Schools: Schools & small, volunteer run Nonprofits can just show up on the day of the event to participate in the volunteer fair but it is best if you contact us before so that we know you are coming. We will list you on our marketing spots to let people know that you are coming. Another benefit for nonprofits is that you may leave your brochures with us and volunteers will bring them to other volunteer fairs to assist you in finding volunteers. If you would like to let us know you are coming, please use the "Contact the Organizer" option on this event page. :-)
Option #3 is Track C: Begin working with Community Projects that have been presented. Each organization & individual who brings an idea will also have a specific project that they need help with. Please visit the various tables and share your time & your talents to help move their project forward. You are welcome to visit and help lots of Community Projects or stay with the one that interests you most and assist them in completing their project.
11:00-12:30 Mesa Main Library downtown 2nd floor in the Board Room.
Option #1 is Track A: Continue working with Community Projects that have been presented. Offer creative ideas and useful information that will help the idea to become a reality. Each organization & individual who brings an idea will also have a specific project that they would like to complete today. Please visit the various tables and share your time & your talents. You are welcome to visit and help lots of Community Projects or stay with the one that interests you most and assist them in completing their project.
Option #2 is Track B: Brainstorming session with people interested in promoting the welfare of specific groups such as Veterans, Seniors, Animals, Women, Children/Teens, the Environment, etc. Discuss the major issues that face the group of individuals you are most passionate about helping. Create a list of "Big Ideas" & Community Projects to pursue that would be helpful. What would make their lives easier & better. Where are the Community Resources that help? What organizations & information sources are most helpful? Who should be working together? Where are the gaps in service? Meet with like-minded others who share your passion for helping this group! :-) Brainstorm innovative ways of getting important messages out that affect these populations. Use your combined creativity to increase awareness of your cause.
12:30-1:00 Mesa Main Library downtown 2nd floor in the Board Room.
Final Presentations & Pitches: a Share your successes! Let everyone know what has been accomplished today. Show people what you created. Present what the next steps are for your project and what specific help you need to move forward.
Come and meet like-minded people who are passionate about the causes you care about. Have fun! Help people! Solve Problems! Use your creativity! Make new friends and connect with other volunteers from differing backgrounds & belief systems.Learn new skills! Share your time and your talents! Make a Positive Difference in Your Community! Make the World a Better Place!
WHAT TO BRING: Bring any type of Community Project that Makes the World a Better Place. Also bring: Snacks, Drinks in closed containers, paper, pens, colored pencils, markers, white boards, flip charts, scrap paper, laptop computers, extra card tables and anything else that will help you be creative. Nonprofits should bring information & brochures. Please tell your friends! We need all skills, all ideas and all interest in different worthy causes. Please put on your Superhero cape and bring your own unique Superhero skills to help create positive change in your community.
Idea or Community Project Submission Form---If you wish to reserve your time to Present or "Pitch" Your Idea.
REMEMBER: You Can Just Show Up on the Day of the Event with an Idea or Project to share with others. The Presentation or "Pitch" Format is Below for those who would like to prepare for their presentation. You may also send in either just a few words about your Idea or the completed Idea or Community Project Submission Form ahead of time in order to reserve a time for the audience to hear your "Pitch".
Please send your Idea to us via the "Contact Organizer" option on this page. If you wish you may also fill out the questions below to give us more information about your Idea or Community Project:
***Your Name or the Name of the Organiation with the Idea or Community Project:
***Name of your Idea or Community Project:
***What problem are you solving? What pain are you alleviating? What issue are you generating a solution for?
***What is your solution? How will you solve the problem or alleviate the pain? What is your Idea or Community Project that you are proposing?
***What type of help do you need from the audience? How can the Community Volunteers that are here today at the event help you? What, specifically, do you need to move your Idea or Community Project forward? Do you need social media help (Likes & Shares)? Are you seeking information, connections, introductions, feedback (beta testing of your idea, product or service), advice, donated items, specialized skills, professional assistance, business, marketing, graphic design, website development or any other type of help?
***What are some specific projects that you would like to complete during the hours today at this Community Volunteer event? EX: Create a Business Plan, Map out a Social Media Campaign, Design a Logo, Develop a Website, Create a Prototype, Write a Survey, Have People Fill Out a Survey, etc. Pick 1-3 small projects that could be accomplished in the hours today that would help your project move forward. What are the project "Deliverables" or finished products that you would like to complete and leave with today? :-)
IMPORTANT: We are ONLY allowing project presentations & "pitches" that benefit the community in some way. This is NOT a sales event and sales of services & products is not allowed. We only allow presentations of projects that solve a social or environmental problem or make the world a better place. We will help you to promote and get help for your Idea or Community Project through our social media channels and email contacts unless you specifically request that we keep your idea private until the day of the early stage new Idea Incubator & Community Project Accelerator event.
If you like to help people, learn new things, use your creativity, generate ideas, solve problems, have fun & meet positive people who want to make a positive difference in their community, then our Community Accelerator events are for you! No previous experience is needed.
Online Virtual Volunteers are needed! You can continue to be part of the "Helping Community" that we are creating.
Can't Make it the Day of the Event? Please scroll down to see the opportunites to help your community as an Online Virtual Volunteer.You Can Share Helpful Information & Resources in the Comment Section of our Community Project Accelerator Facebook Page. Simply scroll through all of the Community Projects and Share, Like, Comment and Offer Help to the Ideas & Community Projects posted by others in our community.
You will Find Big Ideas, CP CR Big Ideas, Community Projects, Crowdsourcing Projects that need your help on the Web Platform.
You may also Join the Community Skill Bank to share your Skills, Knowlege & Talents. Or,
Volunteer to Help Nonprofits, Schools or Community Projects.
Become a Social Media Lover for a Cause Helping Your Community and Promoting the Causes You are Passionate about Supporting.
Or, if you are under 18 years old: Join the Teen Corps or Youth Volunteers or Join the Youth Social Media Lovers for a Cause project.
Find out how your Business, School, College, University, Nonprofit Organization, Fraternal Organization, Club, Government Agency, Social Service Agency, Indian Tribe, Faith Community, Charitable Foundation can Help Local Nonprofit Organizations. Share your own ideas about how Individual Community Members , Students, Teachers, Professors, Scientific Researchers, Corporate Donors, Philanthropists, Individual Donors, The Startup Community, Social Entrepreneurs, Startup Ventures, or your own organization can work with nonprofits.
Help local Nonprofits do their Good Work in the Community and Make the World a Better Place. This is an Online Brainstorming Project. Join in on the fun! Find Your Passion! Find Your Purpose!
If you would like to make the world a better place, come join us in person at one of our Community Project Accelerator events! We are an early stage Idea Incubator. We serve our community by offering Community Project Accelerator events, Ideathons, Social Entrepreneur Startup events, "Hackathons of Help", Make-a-thons, Crowdsourcing Projects & Community Brainstorming Sessions. :-) On the day of the event, you may participate from home by following each Community Project and contributing helpful ideas & information via our Facebook page at Community Project Accelerator Community-Project-Accelerator-CPX-1855799894733893